Monday, April 30, 2007
Well, I'm ticked.
Well, tonight, I walked outside for a smoke, and saw that my truck's windshield had been smashed sometime this afternoon. I had music playing, and didn't hear it. I'm guessing it's the same punks, trying to "get back" at us for calling the cops on them (twice).
These punks were fortunate I didn't hear them, 'else they'd have found a rather irate redneck with a .45 objecting to their fun. Granted, a truck windshield isn't worth drawing steel over, but a man can put the fear into a punk without ever clearing leather.
Not all irate rednecks are as tolerant as I, and they're -really- fortunate they didn't vandalize some nutcase's truck.
Fortunately for me, they didn't monkey with anything inside the truck; as far as I can tell, all my tools, equipment, and whatnot are still there. Police are estimating about $150 for the windshield; I'll find out for sure what the cost will be in the morning when I have it replaced. If it goes over $150, I'll be calling the station for an addendum to the report, and a copy of the receipt, if necessary.
If these punks are caught, you can be sure I'll press charges AND file for recompense.
Monday, April 16, 2007
And this is why I carry...
What's not being advertised on the airwaves is that this senseless massacre of college students was entirely preventable.
"A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.
House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.
The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.
Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.
Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."
The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.
Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.
In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities."
Didja get that? Duly licensed individuals, checked out and certified by the state, are prohibited from carrying their lawfully-owned weapons on-campus for personal protection. I daresay that, had even one of this nutcase's victims had a weapon, this wanton slaughter of innocents would have ended rather abruptly, with a great many lives saved.
This is why I carry, everywhere I can. It is my greatest fear that I will be forced to use my handgun in such a situation. No, strike that. It is my greatest fear that I, like these Virginia Tech students, will need a handgun, and be prohibited by law from having one.
Madmen do not heed the law. Criminals scoff at it. And those of us who do abide by said laws are rendered as defenseless as sheep by that self-same law.
Which is more tyrannical - the madman who wantonly murders many in defiance of the law, or the law itself which demands that the madman's victims be quietly slaughtered, the law that makes criminals out of anyone who DARES to possess the means to their own defense and the defense of others?
Know this: I carry a gun in dreaded anticipation of being placed, forced, into a situation like this. I carry a gun so that, should the unthinkable become reality, I can stop the carnage with one or two well-placed bullets into the brainpan of a predator.
I would have been glad to face the full force of the law, had I been in one of those classrooms in Virginia's halls of learning, for I would not have been unarmed, regardless of the law. If the price of saving thirty or more lives is the loss of my freedom, I will weep for freedom lost, but the cost of protecting my own legal reputation is pennies next to the enormity of lives saved. If the madman kills me as I attempt to protect my own life and the lives of those around me, I will die with honor, knowing that, law or no, I did the right thing.
To quote a tagline I saw on a forum somewhere: "Carry 24/7, or guess right." Virginia Tech's students followed the law, and guessed wrong.
To the bastard who committed this foul act, "Rot in Hell."
To the bastards in Virginia's legislature which allowed the conditions to be ripe for this slaughter, though, there is a special circle of Hell reserved for you and your ilk, a circle lower even than that of the killer, for YOU allowed this to happen.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
What the heck?

Okay, what's this? Blogger is promoting Algore's "carbon neutral" BS?
I got news for you, Blogger. Algore is a fraud. Carbon is a naturally occurring element, and a basic building block for all the nice, nifty little enzymes and other chemicals that make up your cellular structure.
CO2, or Carbon Dioxide, which all you greenie freaks are going gonzo over, is a natural part of the photosynthesis reaction that plants use to survive. It's a little simplistic, but the basic explanation is that CO2 is plants' version of O2, or Oxygen.
CO2 occurs naturally. You produce it every time you exhale. It is a natural byproduct of animal metabolic functions. Every man, woman, and child, every dog, cat, and whale, every zebra, every sparrow, every fish produces CO2.
What's more, CO2 is produced by other natural, non-organic occurrences as well. Lightning strikes and volcanoes are only two of the many non-organic producers of CO2. Do you know how many times lightning strikes each second? It's a bunch. And volcanoes, those prolific polluters of the natural world, expel with a single eruption more CO2 than man can produce in a hundred years.
Did ya get that? Not only does natural production of this basic molecule vastly outstrip man-made production, you are producing CO2 as you read this. It is impossible for you to be "Carbon Neutral," unless you die of asphyxiation.
Ya want a "Carbon Neutral" world? Start talking to Mother Nature. And if she doesn't listen, try holding your breath.
Friday, April 06, 2007
New Template
Well, I'm not gonna make any such claim. I can see why Lawdog chose this template; it's easy on the eyes, fairly simple to navigate, very few things to tweak (and thus, distract), and relatively aesthetically pleasing.
Blogger/Google, I'm somewhat mollified. Changing stuff on this IS easier.
That doesn't mean I've forgiven you for changing it without permission, though.
I hate you, Blogger/Google.
Thanks to the MORONS at Google/Blogger, I had to spend an interminable time fighting with the "New Blogger" system, just to be able to access my account. I didn't want a Google account, I didn't want to switch, and most of all, I didn't want the hassle.
Password resets, screenname discrepancies, and non-intuitive instructions added to the annoyance.
If anyone at Blogger/Google is reading this, know that I despise New Blogger. I don't care how nifty or neato-geewhiz it might be. I don't care what new features it has, how it's different from the old Blogger, how it's different from the new.
I do know that your supposed "optional" upgrade to the New Blogger is now evidently mandatory.
I do know that you did NOT consult me on this, but went ahead and "converted" the blog against my wishes.
I do know that you subjected me to hassle, annoyance, and frustration with your danged switchover, and provided ABSOLUTELY ZERO assistence with your stupid "help screens".
Yes, I know Blogger is hosted on your servers. But a landlord in an apartment complex doesn't arbitrarily rearrange his tenants' living rooms; he either allows them to live there, or evicts them.
I'd advise you to learn to do the same.
People did not WANT "New Blogger." It was a solution looking for a problem. Most of us were puttering along, quietly content with the old way. The hassle I just went through because of your stupid frivolity and capriciousness is representative of the hassle a great many people went through.
Just think about it. That much annoyance, frustration, and anger. All directed at you.
Hey, Google. When you acquired Blogger, did it ever occur to you guys to just let a good thing be? Did it ever occur to you that you didn't need to put your monkey-fingerprints all over it? Did the idea ever pop into your miniscule, two-cell brains that, just maybe, people liked Blogger the way it was? That Blogger had set it up that way deliberately?
Or was all this a ploy to get us to acquire Google accounts? If so, then for what purpose? To get us to give you our email addresses? Lord knows my spam filters are working hard as it is. Or is that giving you too much credit for intellingence? I'm inclined to think so, as I can come up with no earthly idea why you would do this, outside of spamming my inbox.
As I sit here right now, I don't see anything much different about this "New Blogger" - except for the fact that my introduction to it is as rude as the introduction to the class bully. While technically harmless, you folks at Blogger/Google have essentially stuck a saliva-coated finger in my ear, all the while giving me a wedgie. It's aggravating, annoying, and does absolutely nothing to endear me to you.
Jerks. Just better hope I never get the chance to blow a spitwad at the teacher and blame it on you.